Pearl of Wisdom

The best act of worship is seeking forgiveness.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 517, no. 2
There is currently 124 believers on the Path of Knowledge 

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Anecdotes for Reflection

Compiled by Sayyid Ali Akbar Sadaaqat

Compilation of 60 chapters of stories and narratives to reflect upon and take lessons so we may achieve guidance.

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My Prayer Times

Determines location and shows Prayer Times.

a new innovative development that determines the prayer times based on your current location using approved astronomical measures.

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Audio Library

Listen, Reflect, Action

Collection of Holy Quran Reciations, Nasheeds, Lectures and Nawha to commenorate the events of Karbala.

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Facts and Miracles

Interesting facts found within the Holy Qur'an

Provides further evidence that the Holy Qur'an is in fact the words of God and is incomparable

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