Pearl of Wisdom

Piety is the master of action. He who does not have piety to prevent him from an act of disobedience to Allah Almighty when left with it, Allah will not care about any of his other actions. This means that it [piety] is fear of Allah, both in secret and in public, economizing both in poverty and wealth, and fairness both in [times of] contentment and discontentment.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Kanz al-'Ummal, no. 7299

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Video Library » Films » The Messiah
The Messiah

Movie about the life of Jesus Christ from an Islamic perspective, including the entire event of the Crucifiction from an Islamic point of view.
This film provides unique information about the Islamic perspective on Jesus Christ and can serve as a way to build bridges and ferment understanding between followers of Christianity and Islam.
The film was also approved by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting


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