Pearl of Wisdom

'Whoever condoles with a mother bereaved of her child will be shaded by Allah by the shade of His Throne on the Day when no other shade will avail.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
al-Kafi, v. 3, p. 227, no. 3

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Islamic Occasions » Holy Month of Ramadan
The Holy Month of Ramadan

Ramadan Kareem, ninth month of Islamic Lunar Calendar is very dear to Allah (SWT). It is the most august of all months, pure, generous and merciful. Do not let its nights go waste in slumber, its days in careless omission or loss of remembrance of Allah (SWT).

Ramadan Kareem

Title Filter     Display # 
# Article Title
1 33 Blessings of Ramadan Fasting (Benefits)
2 40 Types of Fast
3 A Child's First Fast!
4 A'amal for Laylatul Qadr
5 Bad Breath while RamadanFasting - A Common Problem
6 Benefits of Fasting
7 Day 01 Dua / Supplication
8 Day 02 Dua / Supplication
9 Day 03 Dua / Supplication
10 Day 04 Dua / Supplication
11 Day 05 Dua / Supplication
12 Day 06 Dua / Supplication
13 Day 07 Dua / Supplication
14 Day 08 Dua / Supplication
15 Day 09 Dua / Supplication
16 Day 10 Dua / Supplication
17 Day 11 Dua / Supplication
18 Day 12 Dua / Supplication
19 Day 13 Dua / Supplication
20 Day 14 Dua / Supplication
21 Day 15 Dua / Supplication
22 Day 16 Dua / Supplication
23 Day 17 Dua / Supplication
24 Day 18 Dua / Supplication
25 Day 19 Dua / Supplication
26 Day 20 Dua / Supplication
27 Day 21 Dua / Supplication
28 Day 22 Dua / Supplication
29 Day 23 Dua / Supplication
30 Day 24 Dua / Supplication
31 Day 25 Dua / Supplication
32 Day 26 Dua / Supplication
33 Day 27 Dua / Supplication
34 Day 28 Dua / Supplication
35 Day 29 Dua / Supplication
36 Day 30 Dua / Supplication
37 Deeds recommended for each night of the last ten nights
38 Deeds recommended for the 23rd Night
39 Dua Abu Hamza Thumali
40 Dua After Salah / Namaaz
41 Dua Al-Jawshan Al-Kabeer / The Supplication of The Major Chain-Armour
42 Dua Mujeer
43 Dua Sahar / Imsak / Baha
44 Fast in History
45 Fasting and Health: Ramadan Fasting - Key to a good Health
46 Fasting Health Benefits: Health Guidelines for Ramadan Fasting
47 Fasting in animals (Fasting Benefits)
48 Fasting in Islam: A definition of fasting (Sawm) in Ramadan
49 Forty Hadith for Month of Ramadan
50 Frequently asked Questions (FAQ) about Ramadan:
51 History and types of Fast
52 How to Fast all Your life
53 Inner dimensions of Ramadan fasting
54 Introduction to Ramadan: Month of Holy Quran
55 Invocation for the 23rd Night
56 Last Ten Nights of Ramadan
57 Laylatul Qadr Preparation
58 Name and Derivation
59 Ramadan Fasting and the purification (cleansing) of souls:
60 Ramadan Fasting Health Guide
61 Ramadan Preparation: Ten tips to prepare your family for Ramadan
62 Reality and Obligation in Ramadan
63 Rewards of Quranic recitation during this month
64 Shab-e-Zarbat Imam Ali
65 Significance of the month of Ramadan and its Fast
66 Taraweeh: Why not Shia's?
67 The Night of Destiny
68 The Night of Destiny - Which Night?
69 The Prophet's preaching of Ramadan
70 What Breaks the Fast
71 Zakat ul Fitr
72 Zakat ul Fitr FAQ
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