Pearl of Wisdom
'I urge you to recite the Qur'an and remember Allah frequently, for verily it [will result in] a remembrance for you in the heavens and a light for you in the earth.'
Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa] al-Khisal, p. 525, no. 13
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We acknowledge that 'Know Your Islam' by 'Yousuf N. Lalljee' for providing the original file. The novels references is Yousuf N.Lalljee (2006). Know Your Islam. Ansariyan Publications. Qum The files you find here are NOT IN the Public domain, and the copy rights of the files still remain with the above author

Adhann / Call for Prayer Adhann literally means 'announcement', and in the Shari'ah it means the announcement made in specific words at the time of salaat. It was introduced in the first year of the Hijrah at Madinah. The cause of its introduction, in the opinion of the Imamis / Shi'te, was that Angel Gabriel came down with the adhann in a message from Allah to Prophet Muhammad (SAW). ALLAH HU AKBAR (4 Times) | Allah (swt) is Great | ASH HADU AN LA ILAHA ILL LAL LAH (Twice) | I bear witness that there is no God but Allah (swt) | ASH HADU AN NA MUHAMMAD AR RASOOLUL LAH (Twice) | I bear witness that Mohammad(saaw) is the Messenger of Allah (swt) | ASH HADU AN NA ALIYAN WALIYULLAH (Twice) | I bear witness that Ali (as) is the Viceregent of Allah (swt) This is an optional part of the Adhaan and Iqamah | HAYYA AL LAS SALAH (Twice) | Hasten towards prayer | HAYYA AL LAL FALAH (Twice) | Hasten towards prosperity | HAYYA ALA KHAIRIL AMAL (Twice) | Hasten towards the best of action | ALLAH HU AKBAR (Twice) | Allah (swt) is Great | LA ILAHA ILL LAL LAH (Twice) | There is no God except Allah (swt) | Iqama / Second Call for Prayer This is recited immediately before the beginning the prayer ALLAH HU AKBAR (4 Times) | Allah (swt) is Great | ASH HADU AN LA ILAHA ILL LAL LAH (Twice) | I bear witness that there is no God but Allah (swt) | ASH HADU AN NA MUHAMMAD AR RASOOLUL LAH (Twice) | I bear witness that Mohammad(saaw) is the Messenger of Allah (swt) | ASH HADU AN NA ALIYAN WALIYULLAH (Twice) | I bear witness that Ali (as) is the Viceregent of Allah (swt) This is an optional part of the Adhaan and Iqamah | HAYYA AL LAS SALAH (Twice) | Hasten towards prayer | HAYYA AL LAL FALAH (Twice) | Hasten towards prosperity | HAYYA ALA KHAIRIL AMAL (Twice) | Hasten towards the best of action | QAD QAMAT IS SALAAT (Twice) | Prayer has been established | ALLAH HU AKBAR (Twice) | Allah (swt) is Great | LA ILAHA ILL LAL LAH (Twice) | There is no God except Allah (swt) | |