Pearl of Wisdom

'The most evil of places on earth are the marketplaces, for it is Satan's domain where he unfurls his flag first in the morning, takes up his seat and gives free rein to his offspring, from a vendor niggardly with his measure, to one who is reckless with his scale, to one who thieves off metres [from cloth], or to one who lies about his wares to all he says, 'Take advantage of this man whose father [Adam (AS)] has died whilst your own father [Iblis] is still Brushing One's Teeth' And he continues to do this from the first one to enter therein to the last one to leave.'

Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir [as]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 84, p. 11, no. 87

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Islamic Lectures / Majalis
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# Article Title
1 Abbas Ahmed Virjee
2 Abbas Jaffer
3 Ali Khalfan
4 Dr. Murtadha Alidina
5 Hassanain Rajabali
6 Khaleel Abbas Jaffer
7 Sayed Ammar Nakshawani 2008-2010
8 Sayed Ammar Nakshawani 2011 -
9 Sayed Hossein Qazwini
10 Sayyed Mohammad Mahdi Al Modarresi
11 Sheikh Ayoub Rashid
12 Sheikh Hamid Waqar
13 Sheikh Hamza Sodagar
14 Sheikh Hamza Sodagar - Quran Insights
15 Sheikh Mohammad Ali Shomali
16 Sheikh Mohammed Al Hilli
17 Sheikh Mustafa Qazwini
18 Sheikh Shafiq Hudda
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