Pearl of Wisdom
'Anyone who takes the stirrup of a person [in order to assist him], neither from hope of a reward from him thereof, nor from fear of him will be forgiven.'
Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa] Ibid. no. 25501
Question and Answers |
Below is all the answers to the questions handed out during the 'Jaffaria Association of Victoria Inc' Muharram event. - Who does the Ahl-ul-bayt consist of?
Prophet Muhammad, Bibi Fatima Zahra, Imam Ali, Imam Hasan and Imam Hussain
- What is the name of the third Imam
Imam Hussain (AS)
- When did Hurr ibn Yazid join the Imams side
The eve of Ashura
- Which companion conquered the Euphrates River?
Hazrat Abbas ibn Ali
- What were the names of the two young brothers who fought in Karbala
Aun ibn Abdullah & Muhammad ibn Abdullah
- Who was thrown from the tower of Kufa before the events of Karbala
Muslim ibn Aqeel
- Which tribe the Imam purchase Karbala from?
The tribe of Bani Asad
- How old was the youngest martyr of Karbala?
Ali Asghar who was 6months old
- Who was known to be the first martyr of Karbala?
Hurr ibn Yazid
- Which member of the Imam's family died in the dungeons of Yazid?
Sakinah bint Hussain
- Who else accompanied Hurr ibn Yazid when he joined allegiance?
His son and their slave
- Which family member in Karbala resembled the Prophet in apperance?
Ali Akbar
- Who was known as the 'Greatest Warrior' of Arabia during the events of Karbala?
Hazrat Abbas ibn Ali
- The title 'Best of Whorshippers' is assigned to which family member?
Imam Ali Zain-ul-Abideen, our fourth Imam
- Who from the Imams family was related to Yazid by blood via his mother, Layla?
Ali Akbar
- Which companion always referred to his brother as 'Master'?
Hurr ibn Yazid
- Under what circumstanes is Tayammum allowed?
Refer here
- Which parts of the Wudhu is obligatory and which parts are recommended?
Refer here
- Under what conditions is the 'Ayat' prayer wajib / obligitory?
Refer here
- When is the exact moment that the Maghrib / Sham Namaaz becomes active?
The time of Maghrib prayer is once the sun has completely set beneath the horizon
- What was the name of the second Imam's son who fought in Karbala?
Qasim ibn Hasan
- What are the four main reasons we mourn during Muharram?
to remind oneself of Hussain's incomparable sacrifice, a way to thank him, a way to express love for him, and a way to broadcast to the world his message of true freedom
- What was the name of the Imam's horse?
Zul-Jana meaning The Winged
- Which companion was honoured with holding the 'alam / standard?
Hazrat Abbas ibn Ali
- Which member was martyred with a three headed arrow?
Ali Asghar who was 6months old
- What were the names of some of the Ladies in the Imam's camp?
Bibi Zainab, Bibi Umme Kulthum
- Which members of the Imam's family were martyred on the plains of Karbala?
Imam Hussain, Abbas ibn Ali, Qasim ibn Hasan, Aun & Muhammad ibn Abdullah, Ali Akbar, Ali Asghar
- Which members of the family were sent to Yazid's palace?
Bibi Zainab, Imam Zain ul-Abideen, Bibi Sakinah
- Who gave the courageous speech at Yazid's palace?
Bibi Zainab
- Who defended the Imam's life in the final stages when a solider intended to kill him ?
Abd-Allah ibn Hasan
- Which solider feared and backed away from causing the final blow on the Imam?
Khowali ibn Yazid al-Asbahiy
- Who eventually martyed the Imam?
Shimr ibn Dhiljawshan
- Who does the 14 Maslooms consists of?
Prophet Muhammad Mustafa, Bibi Fatima Zahra, and the twelve Imams
- What was the Imam doing exactly before he was martyred?
Conducting his prayer
- What was the kunniyat / patronymic of our third Imam?
Abu Abdullah
- Which Messenger was sent to guide the people of 'Ad?
Prophet Hud
- Which Messenger was sent to guide the people of Thamud?
Prophet Salih
- Which Messenger was chosen as a 'Friend of God'?
Prophet Ibrahim
- Which Messenger was sent to guide the people of Sodom?
Prophet Lut
- Which Messenger was gifted with interpreting dreams?
Prophet Yusuf
- Which Messenger was sent to guide the people of Madyan?
Prophet Shu'ayb
- Who was given wisdom and gave admonitions to his son?
Luqman the Wise
- Which Messenger threw his staff down to produce a miracle?
Prophet Musa
- How many and what are the names of the Eid's we celebrate?
3 commonly of Eid-al-Fitr, Eid-al-Ghardir, Eid-al Azha
- Who constructed the initial 'House of God' in Mecca?
Prophet Ibrahim with his son Prophet Ismail
- Who did the Prophet of Pharaoh's time ask to accompany him in support?
Prophet Musa asked his brother Harun for support in his mission
- Which Messenger had the mountains and birds in his command?
Prophet Dawud
- Which two messengers were favoured among other servants with immense wordly power?
Prophet Dawud and his son Prophet Sulayman
- The wind, molten brass, and Jinn were dedicated to which Messenger
Prophet Sulayman
- Which Prophet confirmed the Torah that came before him?
Prophet 'Isa
- Which Messenger demonstrated a miracle while still in the cradle?
Prophet 'Isa
- Who has the honour of being the 'Seal of Prophethood'?
Prophet Muhammad
- What is the names of the 25 Prophets mentioned in our Holy Book?
Refer here
- How many Rakats do the Night Prayer / Namaaz-e-Shab have?
11 Rakats
- Who had the unique birth that no other Prophet or Saint was ever blessed with?
Imam Ali, being born within the walls of the Kaaba
- Which Angel will blow the trumpet on Judgement day?
Angel Israfeel
- Which Angel will distributes sustenance to mankind?
Angel Mikaeel
- Which Angel takes out the soul of human beings, referred as the Angel of Death?
Angel Izraeel
- Which Angel delivers the command of God to His Prophets?
Angel Jibreel
- How many and who were the Holy Books revealed to?
Torah - Prophet Musa, Psalms - Prophet Dawud, Evangel - Prophet 'Isa, Holy Quran - Prophet Muhammad
- What is the first month of the Islamic calendar?
- In what month is Hajj performed?
- What are the 5 Usool-e-deen / Roots of Religion?
1. Tawheed, 2. Adl, 3.Nubuwat, 4. Qiyamat, 5. Tawheed
- What are the 10 Furoo-e-deen / branches of religion?
1. Namaz, 2. Roza, 3. Hajj, 4. Zakat, 5. Khums, 6. Jehad, 7. Amra-Bul-Ma'aroof, 8. Nahi-Anil-Munkar, 9. Tawalla, 10. Tabarra
- How many other types of wajib / obligitory prayers are there besides the 5 daily?
- How many Asma-ul-Husna / Beautiful Names of God are there?
- Which ayah from our Holy Book states that Jesus was not crucifed?
Holy Quran (4:157-158)
- Which ayah from our Holy Book refers to Jesus birth?
Holy Quran (19:16-35)
- Which ayah from our Holy Book refers to Friday prayers?
Holy Quran (62:9-10)
- Which ayah from our Holy Book refers to Greetins / saying Salam?
Holy Quran (4:86)
- Which ayah from our Holy Book refers to Blessings on the Prophet?
Holy Quran (33:56)
- Which ayah from our Holy Book refers to those who are slain in the way of God?
Holy Quran (3:169)
- Which ayah from our Holy Book refers to gambling and intoxicants?
Holy Quran (5:93-94)
- Which ayahs from our Holy Book refer to the Prophets Ahl-ul-bayt?
Holy Quran (33:33 & 9:119)
- Which surah from our Holy Book has no opening of 'Bismillah'?
Holy Quran Surah 9 Taubah / Repentance
- In which surah is there two 'Bismillah's?
Holy Quran Surah Naml / Ant (27:30)
- Who was first to recite the Adhaan aloud?
Bilal, a Companion of the Prophet
- What were the first ayahs revealved to our Prophet?
Holy Quran (96:1-)
- Which Prophet of God lived beyond 900 years?
Prophet Nuh / Noah
- In which ayah from our Holy Book is Shaytan referenced as being part of the Jinn?
Holy Quran (18:50)