Pearl of Wisdom
'The jealous one sees a loss for the one he is jealous of as a gain for himself.?
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as] Ibid. no. 1832
Hojr ibn Oday |

The series is based on the life of Hojr ibn Oday..
After the martyrdom of Amir Mo’menin, Ali ibn Abu Talib and Hasan ibn Ali, our salute to them, the few followers of this innocent family took the responsibility of defending justice by fighting oppression and worldliness. One of the most devoted men among them was Hojr ibn Oday. He and his truthful companions followed Imam Ali’s path.
This series is a summary of Hojr and the companions lives.
This series is in Persian / Farsi with English subtitles and The film was also approved by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting.