Pearl of Wisdom
'Too much wealth corrupts the hearts and produces sins.'
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as] Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 7109
Rock Bottom |

Inspired by a true story, "RockBottom" is a short film that was shot, produced and directed locally in the Detroit Metro Area (Dearborn) by AscentTV. The film tells the story of a young man, Adam (played by Jalal Moughania), who loses his way in life from a very young age. Victimized by outside factors controlling the course of his life, Adam decides to take the role of the predator rather than the victim.
Director: Wissam Bazzi
Starring: Fouad Zaban, Hussien Beydoun, Jalal Moughania, Ahmad Ayoub and James Hakkany.
The film has premiered in several cities across the U.S including: Dearborn, Canton, Washington D.C., and Dallas.