Pearl of Wisdom
returning from the Battle of Siffin, in answer to an old man who asked him about their journey to Syria: 'Is this fate or destiny?' said, 'By He who created the seed and made the human being, we have not gone through a valley or ascended a mountain without it being our fate and destiny.... You might think this to be imperative fate and inevitable destiny. If this were so then promise of reward (wa'd) and threat of penalty (wa'id), would cease to apply, and reward and punishment would become null. Allah would not blame the sinners, nor would He praise the good-doers. The benevolent would not be more worthy of reward for good deeds than the sinner, which is the belief of the idol worshippers.... and the Magians. However, Allah has commanded good by choice and forbidden evil by warning, and He is not disobeyed helplessly, nor obeyed forcefully or freely, and nor does He give man absolute control.'
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as] Ibid. no. 1560
Once Upon a Time in Iran |

The 2007 documentary by Channel 4 about the ideology behind Iranian Shiism. The role of Imam Hussein and Islam among the Iranian people, the struggle between good and evil in contemporary politics and society viewed through the historical glasses of the tragic Karbala incident. Iranian pilgrims visit the tomb of Imam Hussein that tells their own hidden stories. Channel 4 attempts to reveal the mysterious martyrdom culture of Iranians to the British public.
A steady drumbeat of leaks suggests that the US and/or Israel may attack Iran sometime over the coming months. Once Upon a Time in Iran is a road movie featuring pilgrims and presidents: a journey to the spiritual heartlands of the Iranian people and a tale of martyrdom that defines their view of aggressors and the outside world.