Pearl of Wisdom

Ali (AS) used to go to the market and stand in his usual place to say, 'Peace be upon you, O people of the market! Fear Allah in your oaths, for the oath degrades the commodity and drives away the blessing. The merchant is iniquitous except for he who takes and gives only what is right.?

Imam Hussain ibn Ali al-Shahid [as]
Ibid. no. 10043

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Question : #100 Category: Shia Sunni Dialogue
Subject: Praying open hands to close hands
Question: Did the Prophet Muhammad pray open or close hands, and when did this division take place?
Answer: The Prophet (s) prayed with his hands open. I do not know the exact instance that this division took place, although it is commonly known that it took place during the reign of the second caliph.
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I recently had a short discussion about this with a Sunni sister and she said that they do that as a sign of respect, as when someone who was approaching Prophet Muhammad (saw) did before him. My questions are; is it respectful? is it obligatory or optional? And finally where and why did this tradition arise? Thank you!
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