Pearl of Wisdom

Someone once came to one of the Imams (AS) complaining about a man who was wronging him. The Imam (AS) replied, 'Be patient with him.' The man retorted, 'But people are taking me for a disgraced fool.' The Imam replied, 'The disgraced one is actually the one who wrongs others.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Kashf al-Ghumma, p. 21, no. 414. Bihar al-Anwar, v. 78, p. 205, no. 46

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Question : #103 Category: Marriage - Nikkah
Subject: the Prophet and his 9 wives
Question: Is it true that the Prophet had 9 wives at one given time? If so, doesn't this contradict the ruling of only being allowed 4 at one given time?
Answer: Salaam alaykum,

Yes, it is commonly understood that he did have nine wives. This is more than the four which are allotted Islamically. The Prophet did not break any laws, but in this case Allah ordered him to take on more wives.

The majority of his marriages were for political purposes. He would marry a sister and then her entire village would become Muslim. Therefore, at that time it was necessary for the Prophet to marry more than four.

Fi amanillah

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