Pearl of Wisdom

?O people, actions are according to intentions, and every person will have what he intended. So, whoever's migration was to Allah and His Messenger then his migration is to Allah and His Messenger, and whoever's migration was to the world to gain from it, or to a woman to marry her, then their migration will be to whatever they migrated to.' military expedition with a brigade, and a man said to his brother, 'Lets go on the military expedition with the brigade of 'Ali, we might get a slave or an animal or something of value said, 'Actions are according to intentions, and every person has what they intend. So whoever goes on a conquest in search of what is with Allah then their reward will be from Allah, and whoever goes on a conquest in search of worldly affairs or intends restraints will not get other than what he intended.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Amali al-Tusi, p. 618, no. 1274

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Question : #1227 Category: Muharram Related
Subject: Muharram and Instruments
Question: Asalam-o-Alakom

Can we celebrate Muharram and Safer events with Instruments in Imam Bargah?

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