Pearl of Wisdom

when asked about the proof [of Allah] and the Imam after him, said, my son Muhammad will be the Imam and the proof after me. Whoever dies without acknowledging him [as the Imam] has died a death of ignorance. Know that certainly he will have an occultation, about which the ignorant will be left confused, the impugners will be ruined and those who predict a specific time [for his reappearance] will lie. Then he will emerge and it is as if I can see the white flags hovering above his head in Najaf [near] Kufa.'

Imam Hasan ibn Ali al-Askari [as]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 51, p. 160, no. 7

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Question : #1255 Category: Black Magic / Evil Eye
Subject: Eaten sihr
Question: Assalam alaikum
I am very badly possessed
I have sihr in my stomach
During ruqya I vomit but nothing comes out
I have tried drinking senna but something in stuck in my intresting and not comes out even after drinking senna
How to remove this eaten sihr ?
Thank you

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