Pearl of Wisdom

'A group of people once came to the Prophet (SAWA) saying, ?O Prophet of Allah, ask your Lord to secure us a place in Paradise', to which he replied, 'As long as you assist me with lengthy prostrations.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Amali al-Tusi, p. 664, no. 1389

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Question : #140 Category: Shia Sunni Dialogue
Subject: different Adhan in Shia and Sunni
Question: Why do the Shia and the Sunni schools recite the adhaan differently, when did this division come into play?
Answer: There are different traditions that the Shia and Sunni sects refer to. The Shia refer to traditions of the Prophet (s) and the Infallible Imams (a) while the Sunnis refer to traditions of the Prophet (s) and companions. It is a popular view that Umar inserted the phrase 'Prayer is better than sleep' into the adhan for the morning prayer - which the Shia reject. Also, the Shia have the phrases 'I bear witness that Ali is the waliyullah' which is considered to be recommended to state and not an actual sentence of the adhan.

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