Pearl of Wisdom

'Faith is all action, and the statement is but part of the action that Allah has made mandatory, which He has explained in His Book.'

Imam Musa ibn Jafar al-Kadhim [as]
al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 38, no. 7

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Question : #1782 Category: Major Sins
Subject: adultery
Question: will allah forgive me for doing adultery with another man also me being a man too im not gay i dont have any feeling towards men im not in to that i just did it by mistake i knew what i was doing is wrong i regret doing it and never go back to that sin so will allah forgive me for that sin i have commited or will i burn in hell i really do want to go paradise but everyday in life i find it difficult to move on thinking about my major past sins and feeling as thou allah wont forgive me im scared to face allah and ask forgivness and repent due to being embarassed must be whisper of shaitaan but will i be forgiven thanks.

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