Pearl of Wisdom

'Poverty is humiliation for the self, bewilderment for the intellect, and it attracts anxieties.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Jdmi'al-Akhbar, p. 299, no. 816

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Question : #251 Category: Taqleed
Subject: choosing a taqleed
Question: I am currently 25 years of age, I was sat down by my parents when I became baligh and made to do the taqleed of Grand Ayatullah Seestani. Whilst I respect his laws and the dedication he has given to Islam, I dont in my mind believe him to be Alam, nor do I see any other of the Ulemah as Alam either. How do I ascertain who is Alam in a day and age when there is so many scholars to choose from? Whilst I dont know who is Alam which rulings do I follow?
Answer: The matter of who is the most learned (A'lam) does not come from personal feelings of common people, but come from high caliber of Ulama who know who is among the Highly learned is the most learned (A'lam. You saying that you do not believe,is a personal opinion which can not be relied upon at all, but you must refer the high caliber Ulama to guide you in this matter.

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