Pearl of Wisdom

'There is no Muslim judge who does not have two angels guiding him to the truth as long as he does not seek other than this [i.e. the truth]. If he does want other than the truth and intentionally gives wrong edicts, the two angels disown him and entrust him to his own [base] self.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Kanz al-'Ummal, no. 14993

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Question : #258 Category: Women's Issues
Subject: duties of a divorced woman
Question: what are the duties of a divorced woman?
Answer: If the divorce is reversible (raj‘ī), she is not allowed, during the ‘iddah (waiting period), to deny yielding to her husband’s sexual demands if he requests that. She is not permitted to leave the house without his permission either unless for a necessity or an obligation that should be performed at a specific time.

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