Pearl of Wisdom

The Prophet (SAWA) did not leave an assembly, no matter how insignificant, without seeking forgiveness from Allah, the Exalted, twenty-five times.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Kafi, v. 2, p. 504, no. 4

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Question : #346 Category: Divorce / Talaq
Subject: divorce and mahr rights/issue
Question: A husband who is divorcing his wife does not want to give her her Mahr and maintenance for the period he drove her out of his house but demands all the gifts including jewelry given to her.Can she withhold the gifts until she gets what is due to her?
Answer: She can withhold from her husband's belongings what is equal to her Islamic financial rights (Mahr and expenses) and must give back the rest of his belongings. The gifts which were given to her for ownership are her own ownership and she does not need to return them.

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