Pearl of Wisdom

'Allah, most High, revealed to Prophet Moses (AS) saying, ?O Moses, thank Me with the thanks that is due to Me.' Moses asked, ?O Lord, but how can Ithank You with the thanks that is due to You, when every single expression of thanks that I may convey has been bestowed upon Me by You?' He replied, ?O Moses, you thank Me with the thanks that is due to Me when you acknowledge that it is indeed from Me.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Qasas al-Anbiyd' li al-Rdwandi, p. 161, no. 178

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Question : #359 Category: Food & Drinks
Subject: blood in an egg, halal?
Question: If blood is seen in the yolk or the white part of the egg, does it make the egg impure and haram for us? Is there a solution for it?
Answer: The clot of blood inside the egg is pure, but it is haram [for consumption].
Therefore, the egg can be eaten by removing the blood from it, provided it not very minute and been absorbed in it. [In the latter case, is not removable, then the egg becomes haram.]

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