Pearl of Wisdom

'Whichever woman serves her husband for seven days, Allah locks seven doors of Hell to her and opens eight doors of Paradise instead whereof she may enter as she pleases.' He also said, 'A woman's quenching of her husband's thirst with a glass of water is better for her than a whole year spent fasting during the day and praying at night.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Irshad al-Qulub, p. 175

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Question : #371 Category: Business / Investment
Subject: matching value for money
Question: A Muslim took a loan from another Muslim. After a while the market value of that amount goes down. How much should he pay back to the creditor?
The amount that he got as loan or its equivalent in the market value at the time of payment?
Does the rule differ if the creditor is non-Muslim?
Answer: He has to pay the same amount that he got as loan; and there is no difference whether the creditor was Muslim or non-Muslim.

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