Pearl of Wisdom

narrated in Maalib al-Sa'ul, 'A fire set ablaze in the house wherein he was in the state of prostration in his prayers. They [the people of the household] cried, ?O son of the Prophet, O son of the Prophet! Fire! Fire!' But he did not raise his head from prostration until the fire had been extinguished.' He was asked, 'What is it that diverted your attention away from it [the fire]?' He replied, 'The Fire of the Hereafter.'

Muhammad b. Talia al-Shafi'i
Matalib al-Sa'ul, p. 77

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Question : #382 Category: Business / Investment
Subject: government intervention
Question: Some governments are committed to providing housing for the needy under specific circumstances. Is it permissible for a Muslim to buy a house in which he resides for a short time (so that he will not be liable for khums [on that house]), and then he gives it out on rent so he can then go and live in a house subsidized by the government?
Answer: Khums is not waived from a house just by living in it for a short while without actually being in need of it, as has been presumed in the question.
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