Pearl of Wisdom

Piety is the master of action. He who does not have piety to prevent him from an act of disobedience to Allah Almighty when left with it, Allah will not care about any of his other actions. This means that it [piety] is fear of Allah, both in secret and in public, economizing both in poverty and wealth, and fairness both in [times of] contentment and discontentment.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Kanz al-'Ummal, no. 7299

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Question : #419 Category: Miscellaneous
Subject: keeping a pet dog
Question: Is it permissible to keep a dog? If not, why?
And If a dog licks my body or clothes, how should I purify it?
Answer: It is permissible to keep a guard dog but it is najis.

It is sufficient to wash it once. However, if the water is little, it is necessary to rid it of the water by wringing.

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