Pearl of Wisdom

At the time of the Great Exposure [of our deeds] in front of Allah [on the Day of Resurrection], prosperity and misfortune will materialize in their distinct realities.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 6223

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Question : #447 Category: Women's Issues
Subject: smoking while pregant
Question: Is it allowed for a pregnant woman to smoke while the doctors say that the foetus is affected by the smoking of its mother?
Answer: If smoking causes substantial harm to a male or female smoker or to the foetus, then it is prohibited, whether he/she is a beginner or is addicted, assuming that he/she would not suffer substantial harm by quitting.

As for the one who would suffer harm by quitting, he/she should consider which one is less harmful: to continue smoking or to quit, and act accordingly.

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