Pearl of Wisdom

'I assure you by My Lord that no one should ask anything from anyone else unnecessarily, until and unless he is one day compelled by his needs to ask someone for fulfilment of that need.'

Imam Ali ibn Hussain Zayn al-'Abidin [as]
Ibid. p. 158, no. 37

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Question : #450 Category: Social Interaction
Subject: celebrations in Islam
Question: Celebrating birthdays allow in Islam?
Answer: We Shia Muslims, the followers of the Ahlul Bayt (a), have many occasions where we celebrate special occasions such as the 4 Eids, Meraaj, 13 Wiladats, i.e. birthdays of 14 Masumeen, etc.

Celebrating birthdays has the same logic where we recognise and acknowledge our trial on this earth and we should set yearly goals in order to truly appreciate the year lapsed.

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