Pearl of Wisdom

when asked about the people who recite the best, replied, 'When you hear their recitation, you see that they fear Allah.?

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 92, p. 195, p. 10

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Question : #475 Category: Marriage - Muta'
Subject: extending a mutah contract
Question: What is the process of extending a mutah contract?
Answer: It is narrated from Imam Mohammed Baqir (as) that upon the expiry of the 'Mutah' term you may extend the contract by mutual agreement, by reciting (Asatahlultukay bajalin Akhara), meaning I have made you permissible for myself for another term.
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People use Religion for politics, or for ctornol. Religion gives bad people a way to convince good people into doing bad things. There are many places in the world were you have different religions living in peace with each other, yet other places were they blame other faiths, or ethnicity for all the issues. German did to the jewish in WWII yet we never learn to not do this and just repeat the hate of the past over and over.. It is sad. Peace is the foundation of most Faiths!
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