Pearl of Wisdom

to a man who asked, 'Do you consider all these creatures as people?' said, 'Exclude from among them those who do not brush their teeth, sitting cross-legged in a narrow place, one who interferes in matters that do not concern him, debates about that which he has no knowledge, one who acts sick without an illness, one who falls apart without a calamity, one who opposes his friends in matters of truth that they have agreed upon, a proud person who is proud of his forefathers but he is devoid of their good deeds, so he is like a heath peeling off its bark bit by bit until it reaches its core, and he is like Allah's verse: They are like cattle; rather they are more astray.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Khisal, p. 409, no. 9

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Question : #510 Category: Wudhu / Ghusal
Subject: Entering junub not from penis, possible?
Question: I understand that a female enters the state of "Junub" after the penetration of her private parts.

Does she enter "Junub" if penetrated/stimulated by objects other than the penis?
Answer: In Islamic laws, sexual intercourse is defined as the penetration of the glans into the vagina or anus of the woman. That is, including the use of sexual objects, for ghusl janabat to become wajib it is not necessary that full penetration or discharge of semen should take place.

However if a secretion is discharged from a woman, then it is precautionary wajib for her to do ghusl janabat provided it came with sexual passion and she felt relaxed after it. But if the secretion comes without the sexual passion or without the feeling of relaxation after the discharge, then it is not najis and therefore ghusl is not wajib upon her.

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