Pearl of Wisdom

'The Prophet (SAWA) never hit anything with his hand, neither a woman nor a slave, only when he fought on the path of Allah (jihad), and he never took revenge for anything that was taken from him; only when any of the prohibitions of Allah were violated would he take revenge for the sake of Allah.'

Umm al Mu'minin Aisha bint Abu Bakr
Sahih Muslim, v. 4, p. 1814, no. 79

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Question : #530 Category: Food & Drinks
Subject: fertilized fruits and veges
Question: Is there a problem eating vegetables grown without chemical fertilizer (Biological label).
It means that generally the chemicals are replaced by a dryed blood coumpound which is used as a fertilizer. The powdered blood is sprinkled on the floor some month before the crop and is made of animal blood (of course not slaughtered islamically and of course may contain pig blood also). Please can you give me the rulings about this matter ?

I am a follower of Seyyed Sistani (may he live long).
Answer: There is no harm in eating vegetables or fruits grown in the method you described. Fertilizers have generally been known to contain animal refuse, but the process of fertilizing does not necessarily transfer the najasat.

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