Pearl of Wisdom

'The truth is the widest thing in description, but the narrowest in practising justice. No sooner does it side with someone than it will side against him [at another time], and no sooner does it side against someone than it will side for him later. And if anyone is to side with it, never going against it, then that would be purely for Allah, glory be to Him.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Nahj al-Baldgha, Sermon 216

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Question : #536 Category: Family Issues
Subject: family interaction with revert
Question: What is the limit and scope of interaction for a convert to Islam whose family are not Muslims – they may either be People of the Book or non-Believers?
What guidance would you offer them?
Answer: He must keep good relation with his parents, brothers and sisters and behave in such a manner that they are attracted towards the religion of Islam.

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