Pearl of Wisdom

'The miserly hoarder gathers for those who will not thank him, and will come to Him who will not excuse him.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. no. 1842

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Question : #556 Category: Salaat / Prayers
Subject: Jumuh prayers of Sunni
Question: is it permissible to offer salaat with jamaat of ahle-sunnat?
inn what conditions its not allowed?
Answer: The conditions of the prayer leader according to Sayyid Sistani is that the Imam of the congregational prayers should be :
i. Adult
ii. Sane
iii. Ithna Ashari Shia
iv. Adil (just)
v. Of legitimate birth
vi. With correct recitation.

Furthermore, if the follower is a male, the Imam also should be a male. To follow a boy of ten years of age is a matter of Ishkal.

To pray congregation behind a Ahl Sunnah Imam, it is permissible to offer prayer in their congregational prayer. However, it is obligatory upon you to recite al Fatiha and Surah Tawhid yourself; be the recitation in low voice though.

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