Pearl of Wisdom

?Many a deluded and captivated man [by his own desires] awakes in the morning oblivious and joyful, eating and drinking, unaware that perhaps Allah's wrath has already befallen him for something and as a result of which he will enter the Fire of Hell.'

Imam Ali ibn Hussain Zayn al-'Abidin [as]
Tuhaf al-'Uqul, p. 282

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Question : #557 Category: Wudhu / Ghusal
Subject: Wudhu and Quran
Question: Assalam o Alaikum.

Wadhu is necessary for touching Quranic verses. My question is, what about touching quranic text which is being displayed on a TV/computer/mobile screen?

Can we touch these screens without wadhu? Kindly tell the fatwa of Ayatollah Sistani.
Answer: Alaykum Salaam,

According to his Eminence Ayatollah Sistani, it is haraam to touch the script of the Holy Quran with any part of ones body, without performing Wudhu.

However, there is no harm in touching the translation of the Holy Quran, in any language, or different mediums without Wudhu.

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