Pearl of Wisdom

When Allah with His Generosity and Benevolence made the obligations a duty upon you, He did not do so for a need He has for them. Rather, it is as a result of the Benevolence He has over you there is no god but he and in order to distinguish between the bad and the good, and to test what is in your chests, and to purify what is in your hearts.'

Imam Hasan ibn Ali al-Mujtaba [as]
Bihar al-Anwar, v. 23, p. 99, no. 3

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Question : #587 Category: Sexual Ethics & Morals
Subject: Is oral sex permissible
Question: Is oral sex that wife and husband can perform on each other permissible?
Answer: Yes, it is permissible but it is prohibited if it was by force.
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if a wife can suck penis of her husband. Can a husband lick vagina of his wif

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