Pearl of Wisdom

I urge you to supplicate, for verily supplication to Allah and seeking from Allah repels calamity which may have been destined and decreed with just the execution remaining, so if Allah is supplicated and is asked to avert a calamity, it is averted.'

Imam Musa ibn Jafar al-Kadhim [as]
Ibid. p. 470, no. 8

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Question : #594 Category: Taqleed
Subject: Qilba direction
Question: i been pryin in direction Qiblah using north east from canada saskatchewan aand the city is saskatoon then i looked in one site they have it just north can u tell me the right one thanks
Answer: Salaam Alaykum,

According to our site, the Qibla direction from your location is 31 degrees from North toward East.

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