Pearl of Wisdom

exposing the fallacy of predestination, said, 'If it were like this , the concepts of reward, Punishment, command, and prohibition would be erroneous. The meaning of promise [of Paradise] and threat [of the Hellfire] would be futile, and there would be no blame for a wrongdoer, nor praise for the good-doer. Furthermore, the good-doer would be more blameworthy than the wrongdoer, and the latter would deserve more praise than the former. This [i.e. predestination] is the claim of the idolators and the foes of the Merciful.'

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. v. 5, p. 13, no. 19

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Question : #720 Category: Holy Qur'an
Subject: What is a Juz in the Quran
Question: How do I explain to a Christian What is the difference is between a Surah and a Juz in the Quran
Answer: A Surah is the Arabic term for Chapter and Juz means part.

So the Holy Quran is divided into 114 chapters(surahs) and it can be in parts(juz) of 30.

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