Pearl of Wisdom

'He whose daily bread is earned through his own toil and labour, Allah will look upon him with mercy and will never expose him to chastisement.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Ibid. no. 1087

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Question : #736 Category: Black Magic / Evil Eye
Subject: Sihr
Question: Salam alaikum wa rahmatu llahi wa barakatuh,

I would like to know if having tightening in the chest and pain at the back is a sign of sihr. After going to the hospital and nothing was found in the chest through machine operation. I sometimes feel pain in a part and later in another part...things like this.

Secondly, how does one bath with water of which one recited verses of Qur'an on it. Can the patient recite it himself or he has to make someone else do the recitation? Can one use the water in bathroom? And is it normal bath or ghuslu bath?

Jazakumullah khair

Our Sheikh will respond to this question in the coming days Insha'Allah, check again soon

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