Pearl of Wisdom

'Dissimulation was established to withhold blood from being shed, so if dissimulation extends to bloodshed then there is no dissimulation. By Allah, if you are called to aid us you would say: 'We will not, rather we will dissimulate', then dissimulation would be more beloved to you than your fathers and mothers, and if the Awaited Saviour was to appear he would not need to ask you for it, and he would uphold the penalty of Allah among those of you who are hypocrites.?

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Wasa'il al-Shi'a, v. 11, p. 483, no. 2

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Question : #820 Category: Food & Drinks
Subject: During Taqqiya
Question: I am converted Muslim and my parents are not Muslim. I am living with them together. I have been doing Taqqiya and I have been avoiding eating meat. Before I became Muslim I tried being vegetarian, so it helped me. But my father got to know I am keeping my religion and got angry so much. Finally he told me that I should think about death if I keep my religion.
I decided to take Taqqiyah again.
If I confront some situation that I should eat Haram food, how can I do? How is the rule upon these?

Our Sheikh will respond to this question in the coming days Insha'Allah, check again soon

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