Pearl of Wisdom

?O Ibn Mas'ud, if people praise you, saying, 'You fast the day and stay awake at night', and you do not actually do so then do not feel happy about it, fat Allah Almighty says, Do not suppose those who exult in what they have done, and love to be praised for

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Makdrim al-Akhlaq, v. 2, p. 353, no. 2660

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Question : #825 Category: Major Sins
Subject: Me and husband
Question: I have been married since April and I have made sin I have lied to my husband saying I am with my mum but I was actually either in London or with a peer but I don't have bad attentions I'm afraid of him because I feel if I admit this he will leave me we already had a fight coz I told him I smoked and he was about to leave also one day out of anger I called my ex fiancé but I feel bad about it I wi never make these mistakes again what shall I do I'm seeking repentance from Allah paak is that enough I also said to my husband I am sorry for the shameful acts which I done in the past but obviously not telling him but I know my intention for being sorry.

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