Pearl of Wisdom
'Paradise is the best goal.?
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as] Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 1024
Sayed Ammar Nakshawani 2008-2010 |
Sayed Ammar Nakshawani is regarded as one of the most powerful speakers in the Muslim world.
He was born in 1981, he graduated from the University College London in Psychology and Law in 2003.
As well as studying Political change in Modern Britain at the LSE. He then completed an MA in Islamic Studies.
Currently He is completing his PhD at the University of Exeter titled “Authority and Leadership in Early Islam: A Historigraphical Study of the Caliphate of Mu'awiya b. Abi Sufyan” under the supervision of Dr.Sajjad Rizvi, Prof Robert Gleave and Prof Clifford Edmund Bosworth. He has lectured at the University in Classical Islamic History and is currently pursuing his higher studies at the Islamic Seminary in Damascus, Syria.