Pearl of Wisdom
'Prosperity lies in adhering to the truth.'
Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as] Ibid. no. 6489
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We acknowledge that the below references for providing the original file containing the 'Events of Karbala'. Their references are
Yousuf N.Lalljee (2006). Know Your Islam. Ansariyan Publications. Qum Lohouf, By Sayyid ibn Tawoos Ali Hussain Jalali (2003). Karbala & Ashura. Ansariyan Publications. Qum
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Documentary - When The Skies Wept Blood |

On the Tenth Day, of the First Month of the Islamic calendar, in the year 61; on the hot desert plains of Karbala, a small group of 73 noble individuals were massacred by an army of 70,000 men. The victims were devout followers of the religion of Islam. The perpetrators, led by Yazeed, son of Mu'awiyah, claimed to follow that very same religion. It was a day 'When Skies Wept Blood'.
The sacrifice of Karbala is unrivalled from the dawn of time, yet the martyrdom of Hussain and his exalted 72 companions is neglected by the majority of Muslims and non muslims, alike. Imam Hussain sought to bring justice through this great sacrifice. He did not revive the religion of Islam, he resurrected it. Redtears brings you a historical documentary looking at the chain of events from the death of the Holy Prophet, Muhammad, to the tragic massacre of Karbala.