Pearl of Wisdom
used to say the following when faced with an affliction, 'All praise is due to Allah, Who did not afflict me in my faith, and all praise is due to Allah Who, if He had willed for my affliction to be greater than it is could have made it so, and all praise is due to Allah for the command that he willed to be and it is.'
Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as] Bihar al-Anwar, v. 78, p. 268, no. 183
Audio Lecture - Sheikh Mustafa Jaffer |
Born in Kenya, Sheikh Mustafa Jaffer hails from a family of prominent ulama, including his late uncle, Mulla Asghar M.M. Jaffer. Shaikh Mustafa's early education took place in Kenya with went on to further Islamic studies in Tehran, Iran. Shaikh Mustafa also earned his masters degree in Arabic-English Translation and Interpretation from Edinburgh, Scotland. Shaikh Mustafa has worked with the BBC and more recently was the administrative secretary of the World Federation of Khoja Shi'a Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities. He has also lead Hajj groups for the past 20 years and has delivered lectures to Muslim communities across six continents.