Pearl of Wisdom

When the Day of Resurrection comes, man will be handed his book and told, 'Read it.' [The reporter of the tradition then asked him], 'And will he know what is in it?' to which he replied, 'Verily he will remember it. There will not remain a single moment, a single word, a single footstep or anything that he did which he will not remember, as if he had done it that very hour. And this is why they will say, Woe to us! What a book this is! It omits nothing, big or small without enumerating it.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Ibid. no. 34

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Islamic Occasions » Holy Month of Ramadan » Day 09 Dua / Supplication
Day 09 Dua / Supplication E-mail

O Allah give me, in this month, a very large share from Thy boundless mercy, let me keep to the right way that leads on to Thy evident clear Signs (Muhammad and Aali Muhammad), and for the sake of Thy love and kindness direct my behaviour, from every angle, unto that which pleases Thee, O the Ultimate Hope of those who eagerly desire fulfillment.

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