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'Beware of entertaining suspicious thoughts for verily suspicion corrupts worship. ?

Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib [as]
Ibid. no. 2709

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Islamic Occasions » Holy Month of Shaban » Namaaz / Salat of Jafar e Tayyar
Namaaz / Salat of Jafar e Tayyar E-mail

Salat of Ja'far e Tayyar

The Holy Prophet ( s.a.w.s.) taught this Namaz to Hazrat Ja’far Tayyar, the brother of Ameerul Momineen Ali ( a.s.). as a gift , when he returned from Habasha soon after the conquest of Khaibar

To seek forgiveness of sins, and to beseech Allah for fulfillment of any legitimate desire this Namaz is prayed.

The best time to pray this Namaz is between Sunrise and Zuhr, on Friday; if not possible, choose any suitable time.

It is a four rakat Namaz, divided into two parts. Pray each part exactly like the Fajr Namaz, with the following adjustments:

i) First rakat After recitation of Suratul Faatihah, recite Suratuz Zilzaal
(ii) Second rakat After recitation of Suratul Faatihah, recite Suratul Aadiyaat
(iii) Third Rakat After recitation of Suratul Faatihah, recite Suratun Nasr
(iv) Fourth Rakat after recitation of Suratul Faatihah, recite Suratul Ikhlaas.

( if you do not remember these surahs of each rakat, then recite suratul Ikhlaas in all 4 rakats).

In each rakat recite Tasbeehaatul Arbaa 75 times (i) After reciation of Surahs… 15 times (ii) In Rukoo… 10 times (iii) In Qiyyaam after Rukoo… 10 times (iv) In the First Sajdah… 10 times (v) While sitting after First Sajdah… 10 times (vi) In the second Sajdah… 10 times (vii) While sitting after second Sajdah… 10 times.

Tasbeehatul Arbaa is recited as under :-

Glory be to Allah, Praise be to Allah, there is no god but Allah, and Allah is Great. SUBHAANALLAAHI WAL HAMDU LILLAAHI WA LAA ILAAHA ILLALLAAHU WALLAAHU AKBAR

In this manner Tasbeehaatul Arbaa are recited 75 times in each rakat and 300 times in four rakats.

In case of old age or weakness you can recite Tasbeehaatul arbaa 300 times at the end of Namaz, according to your convenience, while sitting, lying or standing.

According to Imam Jafar Sadiq ( a.s.), the following Dua is to be recited, in the last Sajdah of the fourth Rakat.

O Allah, send blessings on Muhammad and on the Progeny of Muhammad.

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

Glory be to He Who covers Himself with honour and dignity.

Glory be to He Who bestows favours abundantly, therefore surpasses in glory.

Glory be to He except whom none is worthy of glorification.

Glory be to He Whose wisdom surrounds everything;

Glory be to He Who owns favours and bounties,

Glory be to He who is the Lord of Power and Generosity.

O Allah! Beseech Thee in the name of that which is the cause of the majest of Thy Arsh; and is the ultimate mercy in Thy book, and (in the name of) Thy “ ismi Aazam” and

Thy complete and perfect words which have been made thorough and conclusive through truth and justice.

Send blessings on Muhammad and on the progeny of Muhammad, And do (as I request)…( mention your desires)

Merits of Ja'far e Tayyar

Namaz-e-Ja’far-e-Tayyar is among the prayers that are greatly emphasized and it is famous among all the Shia and Sunnis. It was a gift of love bestowed by the Holy Prophet ( s.a.w.s.) to his cousin upon his return from the journey.

Imam Sadiq ( a.s.) has said: On the day of the conquest of Khyber when Ja’far returned from Abyssinia the Holy Prophet ( s.a.w.s.) asked:

Don’t you want a reward? Don’t you want a gift? Don’t you want a present?

Hazrat Ja’far replied: Why not, O Messenger of Allah? The Messenger of Allah ( s.a.w.s.) said:

I am giving you something that if you perform it everyday it would better than all those things that are present in the world. And if you perform it once in two days the Almighty will forgive the sins of both these days and if you perform it every Friday or every month or every year the Almighty will forgive all the sins committed in between.

The best time to perform Namaz-e-Ja’far-e-Tayyar is on Friday before noon. This prayer can be counted as the Nafila of the night or the Nafila of the day. That is it can be counted among the Nafila prayers as well as in Namaz-e-Ja’far-e-Tayyar. It is mentioned in a tradition that Namaz-e-Ja’far-e-Tayyar can be performed with the intention of the Nafila of Maghrib also.

This namaz is of 4 rakats with two salaams prayed in units of two rakats each. In every rakat after Surah Hamd and another Surah recite Subhaan Allaahe wal Hamdo lillaahe wa laa ilaaha illallaaho allaaho Akbar 15 times. Then the same tasbeeh should be recited 10 times in the ruku and 10 times after arising from the ruku. In the same way 10 times in the Sajdah and 10 times after arising from the Sajdah. And again 10 times in the second Sajdah and then 10 times after arising from the second Sajdah. The second rakat should also be completed in the same way. Thus all the 4 rakats should be prayed like this and in this way in each rakat the Tasbee-e-Araba will be 75 times and in all 300 times in the four rakats.

  • If one intends to pray Namaz-e-Ja’far-e-Tayyar but he is short of time he should recite as many Tasbee-e-Arba as he has time and later when he is free he should recite those Tasbees with the intention of getting Sawab.
  • If there is no time to recite the actual Tasbeehs then he should recite Namaz-e-Ja’far-e-Tayyar in units of two like the Morning Prayer and he can recite the Tasbee-e-Arba while walking or working or in any condition one likes with the intention of getting Sawab.
  • If he has only sufficient time to recite only two rakat with Tasbeeh-e-Arba fully he should recite those two rakats only and the remaining two rakats he can recite whenever he has the time.
  • If during the prayer he forgets the Tasbeehat-e-Arba he should recite it if he remembers it at that time itself but if he remembers it later, that is after the time has passed in this condition the Namaz is correct, but it is better to recite the Tasbeehat that he has missed with the intention of getting Sawab.
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