Pearl of Wisdom
Any two believers who forsake each other for more than three days, I disassociate myself from them on the third day.' He was asked, ?O son of the Prophet, this is in regard to the one wronging, but what about the wronged?' He (SAWA) said, 'Well why doesn't the wronged one himself go to the wronger and say, 'I am in the wrong, until they reconcile?!'
Imam Muhammad ibn Ali al-Baqir [as] Bihar al-Anwar, v. 75, p. 188, no. 10
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- Muhammadhusien Kermali
- A Group of Researchers - Institute of Islamic Studies (London)
- Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari
- Sayyid Muhamad Rizvi
- Ayatullah Dastghaib Shiraazi
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First Wajib Act - Ghusle Mayyit (Washing the Dead Body) Method |
Step One Clean the body thoroughly of all najasat (urine, stool, blood, etc). Use soap with lukewarm water and a pair of gloves. Step Two Make a niyyat, "I am washing this dead body with SIDR WATER Wajib Qurbatan IlaLlah" and wash the body with SIDR WATER (water in which a small quantity (2 handful) of berry or lotus leaves have been added or its essence squeezed from a parchment paper). Step Three Make a niyyat, "I am washing this dead body with camphor water Wajib Qurbatan IlaLlah". And wash the body with camphor water in which a little (half handful) of camphor has been added.
N.B. Take care in each case that the water does not become muzaf i.e. does not change in color, taste or smell.
Step Four Make a niyyat, "I am washing this dead body with clean water Wajib Qurbatan IlaLlah" and wash the body with clean (tap) water.
After all these Ghusls, the body should be gently dried with a clean towel.
a. While giving the Ghusl cover the body with a sheet of cloth or at least the private parts, changing the cloth after each Ghusl. b. The method of giving Ghusl is Tartibi - in sequence, first head and neck, then the right side and finally the left, the way we ordinarily do our Ghusl. c. While performing Ghusl recite surah/ayat of the Qur'an and dua. d. The person giving Ghusl should belong the same gender but if not available, a mahram of the opposite gender can give Ghusl provided the body is completely covered with a sheet of cloth. Gender is irrelevant where giving Ghusl to the body of a child below the age of six (tamiz - the age of discretion). e. The person giving Ghusl must know the basic masael relating to Ghusl Mayyit, but if Mu'min is not available, a Muslim will do. f. To take or give any remuneration for giving Ghusl is haram. If any remuneration is paid or taken, Ghusl is Batil ( invalid.). g. He/she must be paak and with wudhu. N.B. The case given here is that of an normal death. Deaths caused by accidents (bleeding and crushed bodies) have different methods of Ghusl. In some cases, it is impossible to wash the body in which case Tayammum is done. For details, please refer to the Risalah of your Marjaa. As a general rule, as long as the body is bleeding do not undertake to start ghusl. Pack the wound with cotton wool to stop bleeding and then start the Ghusl.