Pearl of Wisdom

was once asked about the poets, to which he replied, 'Verily the believer can either fight the enemy with his sword or his tongue, and by the One who has my soul in His Hand, it is as if they [the poets] shower them with arrows [by means of their defamatory poetry].?

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Majma' al-Bayan, v. 7, p. 326

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  • Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari
  • Sayyid Muhamad Rizvi
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Library » Death & The Hereafter » Fifth Wajib Act - Dafan Burial
Fifth Wajib Act - Dafan Burial E-mail

After the salaat, the body should be buried in a Muslim graveyard. It cannot be buried in non-Muslim graveyard unless a portion of that graveyard has been specifically reserved for Muslims. If that does not exist, the body should be sent to a Muslim country for burial. In case that is not possible, it may be buried in the graveyard of Ahlul Kitab - Christians /Jews/Zoroastrians. Conversely, a non-Muslim cannot be buried in a Muslim graveyard.


The coffin, having been brought in a graveyard, is placed a short distance away from the dug up grave and moved slowly to the grave by pausing for a few seconds, putting back on the ground and lifting up again, three times. At the fourth time, it is finally lowered into the grave with head first and is put to rest on its right side with the face towards Qibla as a wajib act. This position should be maintained all that time. A piece of cloth should be spread over the grave while lowering the body of a female so that the bystanders should not be able to see and in the absence of mahram, close relatives should lower the body in the grave.

After the body has been laid in the lahad the ties at both ends of the kafan should be unfastened and some earth should be put under the cheek of the mayyit. An earthen pillows should be done up under the head to rest it a little above the ground.

The person reciting the talqin should hold with his right hand the right shoulder of the dead body and should place his left hand tightly on its left shoulder and take his mouth near its ear and shaking its shoulders should say it thrice.

After burial Talqin is recited once more over the grave.

Surah Al-Qadr is recited seven times over the grave after the burial and a short dua of Maghferat for the deceased is also offered.

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