Pearl of Wisdom

from one of the companions of Imam al-Sadiq (AS), 'Imam al-Sadiq said, 'A believer must never humiliate himself.' When asked how he would humiliate himself, he replied, 'By embarking upon something which he later has to make excuses for.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
Mishkdt dl-Anwdr, p. 103, no. 235

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We acknowledge that the below references for providing the original file containing the 'Parenting in Islam'. They are

Extracts from literature pieces by

  • Syed Athar Husain S.H. Rizvi
  • Tahera Kassamali
  • Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini
  • Ayatullah Hussain Madhahiri

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Library » Islamic Parenting » An Advice to Pregnant Women
An Advice to Pregnant Women E-mail

Pregnant women are advised to abstain from lifting heavy materials. They should also avoid very tiring tasks. If a carrying mother tires herself, she is likely to tire the baby too. In such cases there is the danger of miscarriage of the pregnancy.

Travelling during the last months of pregnancy too is not advised. If there is no urgent need of travelling, it is better the carrying mothers do not undertake a journey in that period. However doing light work and restricted movement is not harmful and, in fact, is beneficial for the health of both the mother and the child.

Dr Jalali writes:

“Excessive fatigue in pregnant women gives rise to poisonous substances in the blood. Since this blood is the source of nutrition for the foetus, it can adversely affect the growth of the child. (Rowan shinashi kudak, p. 222)

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