Pearl of Wisdom

when asked about the lowest degree of wastefulness said, 'The lowest degree of wastefulness is to wear one's formal finery as casual wear at home, to spill out the remains of a container [instead of finishing it], and to eat the date and you throw the pits away here and there.'

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as]
al-Kafi, v. 4, p. 56, no. 10

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Library » Nahj ul Balagha » Letters » While leaving Madina for Basra
While leaving Madina for Basra E-mail
Letter 57 While leaving Madina for Basra, Imam Ali (a) wrote the following letter to the people of Kufa. It is a wonderful epistle. It invites people to judge his intentions and actions.

After glorifying Allah and praising the Holy Prophet (s) let it be known to you that I am leaving this city either as an oppressor or oppressed, either I am revolting against the people or some of them have conspired to revolt against the people or against me. Whatever the case may be I invite in the Name of Allah those to whom this letter reaches, to come and see for themselves whether I am in the right or on the wrong. If they find me on the path of truth and justice they may help me and if they find that I am on the wrong then they can reason me out of it.

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