Pearl of Wisdom
'It is written in the Book of 'Ali (AS), 'The believer is tested according to the level of his good deeds, so whoever is sound of faith and good deeds, his ordeals are more intense. And that is because Allah, the Exalted, did not make this life a [source of] reward for a believer, nor a [source of] punishment for a disbeliever. However, he whose faith and deeds are weak, his ordeal is also little.?
Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq [as] Bihar al-Anwar, v. 67, p. 222, no. 29
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A letter to Mu'awiya. |
Letter 49 A letter to Mu'awiya.
This vicious world will try to turn a man away from religion and from having faith in the Hereafter. And when a worldly-minded person grasp a little of it, it always opens before him vistas of false hopes, ambitions, temptations and greed, so that he is never satisfied with what he has grabbed and will always covet for more. The result often is that he loses what he has already amassed and his plans do not work out. If you take a lesson from the past then you can guard your future very well.