Pearl of Wisdom

'Verily Allah, most High, created one hundred units of mercy on the day He created the heavens and the earth, each unit of which corresponds to all that is between the sky and the earth. Of these He descended one unit of mercy to the earth, and by virtue of that one unit, everything in creation shows understanding for one another, the mother is affectionate towards her child, and by virtue of the same unit, the birds and the beasts are able to drink water, and all creatures are able to subsist.'

Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa]
Kanz al-'Ummal, no. 10464

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The greatness of Allah and the creation of the Universe E-mail
Sermon 210 The greatness of Allah and the creation of the Universe

It is through the strength of Allah's greatness and His subtle power of innovation that He made solid dry earth out of the water of the fathomless, compact and dashing ocean. Then He made from it layers and separated them into seven skies after they had been joined together. So, they became stationary at His command and stopped at the limit fixed by Him. He so made the earth that it is born by deep blue, surrounded and suspended water which is obedient to His command and has submitted to His awe while its flow has stopped due to fear of Him.

He also created high hills, rocks of stones and lofty mountains. He put them in their positions and made them remain stationary. Their peaks rose into the air while their roots remained in the water. In this way He raised the mountains above the plains and fixed their foundations in the vast expanse wherever they stood. He made their peaks high and made their bodies lofty. He made them like pillars for the earth and fixed them in it like pegs. Consequently, the earth became stationary; otherwise it might bend with its inhabitants or sink inwards with its burden, or shift from its positions.

Therefore, glorified is He who stopped it after the flowing of its waters and solidified it after the watery state of its sides. In this way He made it a cradle for His creatures and spread it for them in the form of a floor over the deep ocean which is stationary and does not move and is fixed and does not flow. Severe winds move it here and there and clouds draw up water from it.


    Verily in this there is a lesson unto him who feareth (Allah) (Qur'an, 79:26)

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