Pearl of Wisdom

replied to a man who said, 'Sit down so we can debate about religion' ?O you, I am aware of my religion, and my path is clear for me. So, if you are ignorant about your religion then go and seek it. What do I have to do with disputation?! Indeed the devil tempts a person and calls him, saying, 'Debate with people regarding their religion so that they do not think of you as incapable and ignorant.?

Imam Hussain ibn Ali al-Shahid [as]
Ibid. v. 2, p. 135, no. 32

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Library » Nahj ul Balagha » Sermons » When Amir al-mu'minin heard the cry of Kharijites that "Verdict is only that of Allah" he said:
When Amir al-mu'minin heard the cry of Kharijites that "Verdict is only that of Allah" he said: E-mail
Sermon 40 When Amir al-mu'minin heard the cry of Kharijites that "Verdict is only that of Allah" he said:

The sentence is right but what (they think) it means, is wrong. It is true that verdict lies but with Allah, but these people say that (the function of) governance is only for Allah. The fact is that there is no escape for men from ruler good or bad. The faithful persons perform (good) acts in his rule while the unfaithful enjoys (worldly) benefits in it. During the rule, Allah would carry everything to end. Through the ruler tax is collected, enemy is fought, roadways are protected and the right of the weak is taken from the strong till the virtuous enjoys peace and allowed protection from (the oppression of) the wicked.


Another version:

When Amir al-mu'minin heard the cry of the Kharijites on the said verdict he said:

I am expecting the verdict (destiny) of Allah on you.

As for good government the pious man performs good acts in it, while in a bad government the wicked person enjoys till his time is over and death overtakes him.


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