Pearl of Wisdom
'The real miser is the one who refuses to pay the mandatory alms tax from his wealth, and refuses to spend on the necessities of his people, yet he squanders it on other things.'
Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa] Ma'anial-Akhbar, p. 245, no. 4
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About naming of doubt as such and disparagement of those in doubt |
Sermon 38 About naming of doubt as such and disparagement of those in doubt
Doubt is named doubt because it resembles truth. As for lovers of Allah, their conviction serves them as light and the direction of the right path (itself) serves as their guide; while the enemies of Allah, in time of doubt call to misguidance in the darkness of doubt and their guide is blindness (of intelligence). One who fears death cannot escape it nor can one who fears for eternal life secure it.