Pearl of Wisdom
meet your brother with a joyful face.?
Prophet Muhammad al-Mustafa [sawa] Ibid. p. 171, no. 38
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We acknowledge that 'Our Messengers Way' by 'Harun Yahya' for providing the original file containing the 'Our Messengers'. The novels references is Harun Yahya (2004). Our Messengers Say. Goodword Books. New Delhi The files you find here are NOT IN the Public domain, and the copy rights of the files still remain with the above author
Luqman the Wise |
Luqman the Wise We gave Luqman wisdom saying: “Give thanks to Allah.” Whoever gives thanks has much to gain. But if anyone is ungrateful, Allah is Rich Beyond Need, and Glorious. (Surah Luqman, 12) The Qur’an mentions Luqman the Wise as a prophet who had been given wisdom, but not as an actual Prophet. The Qur’an records the admonitions he gave to his son. For this reason, they are of great importance for us. Luqman the Wise Admonished His People To Shun From Idolatry In the 48th and 116th verses of the Surat an-Nisa, Allah states that idolatry is a sin He will never forgive. The Prophet Luqman (as) also told his son that he should avoid idolatry, for it is a terrible wrong. Luqman said to his son, counselling him, “My son, do not associate anything with Allah. Associating others with Him is an abominable sin.” (Surah Luqman, 13) Luqman the Wise Declared That Allah Is All-Pervading And That Man Will Be Confronted With Every Deed He Does, However Insignificant “My son, even if something weighs as little as a mustardseed and is inside a rock or anywhere else in the heavens or Earth, Allah will bring it out. Allah is All-Pervading, All-Aware.” (Surah Luqman, 16) Luqman the Wise Admonished to Comply With Allah’s Commands, to Exercise Patience and to be Resolute “My son, say your prayers and enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and be steadfast in the face of all that happens to you. That is certainly the most resolute course to follow.” (Surah Luqman, 17) Luqman the Wise Admonished To Avoid Haughtiness Do not avert your face from people out of haughtiness and do not strut about arrogantly on the Earth. Allah does not love anyone who is vain or boastful. Be moderate in your tread and lower your voice. The most hateful of voices is the donkey’s bray. (Surah Luqman, 18-19) Luqman the Wise warned his son against growing arrogant, for Allah is the One Who is the Almighty and the All- Wise. Man is a weak and imperfect being, who is in need of Allah. Despite this fact, assuming arrogant manners, as if one possesses might and superiority of one’s own, and showing arrogance in one’s manner of walking and speaking is a reprehensible trait. One who adopts an ostentatious or arrogant manner becomes sinful in Allah’s sight and thus will be considered within the context of the following verse: I will turn away from My Signs all those who are arrogant and unjust so that if they see each and every Sign, they shall not believe in it. If they see the path of right guidance, they shall not walk upon it. But if they see the path of error, they shall take it as their path. That is because they denied Our Signs and paid no attention to them. (Surat al-A’raf, 146) Arrogant people rely on their intelligence on every matter; they esteem their own principles and value judgements more than anything else. They resist one who communicates to them Allah’s message, and treat him disrespectfully, although he may be a prophet. Indeed, from the Qur’an we know that one of the major common features of the prominent people who challenged the prophets was arrogance. Luqman the Wise stressed two subjects in his admonitions about arrogance: the tone of voice and the manner of walking. What is striking here is that Allah has communicated one of His commands by means of one of His messengers, the Prophet Luqman (as).